Policeman Guarding Anti-Polio Team Injured In Shooting In NW Pakistan

Policeman Guarding Anti-Polio Team Injured In Shooting In NW Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Jul 4 (NNN-APP) – Armed men attacked police officials, providing security for polio vaccination workers, in Pakistan’s north-western Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, critically injuring a policeman, police said yesterday.

The incident happened when unidentified miscreants opened fire on the polio team, in Tank district of the province, police sources in the area said.

The attack came during a week-long campaign to administer the polio vaccination, to approximately 1.3 million children of less than five years of age in the province, said the police.

No group or individual has claimed the attack.

The perpetrators fled the scene after carrying out the attack, the police said, adding that, law enforcers have launched an operation in the surrounding areas to arrest the culprit.

According to the World Health Organisation, Pakistan is one of the two polio-endemic countries in the world, along with its neighbour Afghanistan.

Last week, two more children tested positive for the poliovirus in Pakistan, taking the number of infected children to eight in the country, according to the National Institute of Health.– NNN-APP


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