China Urges Israel To Fulfil Humanitarian Obligations In Gaza

China Urges Israel To Fulfil Humanitarian Obligations In Gaza

UNITED NATIONS, Jul 3 (NNN-XINHUA) – China, yesterday, called on Israel to fulfil its obligations under international humanitarian law, and heed the international community’s call, to ensure the rapid and safe entry of humanitarian supplies into Gaza.

In remarks at the UN Security Council briefing on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Fu Cong, highlighted the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza, exacerbated by extreme shortages of essential supplies and dire health conditions.

He noted, “Millions of people are struggling with hunger, disease, pain, and despair,” describing the situation as a man-made humanitarian disaster, and a serious breach of international law.

Fu pointed out, Gaza has been under blockade for nine months, with over two million people living in an “open-air prison” without adequate access to water, electricity, food, medication, and fuel.

He criticised the closure of the Rafah crossing, due to Israeli military operations, which has left thousands of trucks loaded with humanitarian supplies waiting in long lines.

“The existing crossing points are far from being able to meet the demand for humanitarian aid,” Fu said, emphasising that, land transport routes are key to expanding humanitarian access.

Fu also addressed the obstruction of humanitarian supplies and the challenges faced by humanitarian workers, who encounter unreasonable difficulties and accusations.

He condemned the repeated attacks on facilities of humanitarian agencies, and noted that, over 200 humanitarian workers died in the conflict, calling this “unprecedented in history and shocking.”

Reiterating that “hunger cannot be weaponised, humanitarian issues cannot be politicised,” Fu said, the man-made exacerbation of the humanitarian disaster is “unacceptable.”

Fu urged Israel to ensure the “rapid and safe entry of humanitarian supplies at scale into Gaza,” and to cooperate fully with the United Nations and other humanitarian organisations.

The council’s adoption of resolution 2720 aimed to expand humanitarian access, but its implementation has fallen short.

Fu called for an examination of the reasons behind this, and urged concerned parties to work harder to remove obstacles to the large-scale entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Fu concluded by emphasising that, the fundamental way to alleviate the humanitarian disaster is through a lasting ceasefire and the early relaunch of the two-state solution.

He called on the international community to continue efforts towards this end, and support the council in taking further necessary action.– NNN-XINHUA  


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