Israeli Regime’s Air Force Chief Says Israel “Ready” For War Against Hezbollah; The Israelis Are Not

Israeli Regime’s Air Force Chief Says Israel “Ready” For War Against Hezbollah; The Israelis Are Not

JERUSALEM, Jun 28 (NNN-MA’AN) – The Israeli regime’s Air Force Commander, Tomer Bar, said yesterday that, the Zionist forces are “ready” for a war against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

“Attacking the enemy in its own territory – that is the ultimate solution,” Bar spoke at a pilot course graduation ceremony, claiming that the Israeli regime is “ready against Hezbollah.”

“We have the means for it, we have the capabilities, and certainly, we have the patience and fighting spirit,” he said.

Bar’s remarks echoed the regime’s Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant’s warning, on Wednesday, who said during his visit to Washington that, while the Israeli regime prefers a diplomatic solution, the Israeli Zionist forces are capable of taking Lebanon “back to the Stone Age.”

Earlier yesterday, the regime’s army announced that, it had killed a Hezbollah militant belonging to the Lebanese armed group’s air forces, who had been deploying drones towards Israel. Subsequently, two aircraft that transgressed from Lebanon into Israeli territory crashed in the vicinity of the Rosh Hanikra community near the border, according to the military, who noted that no injuries were reported.

On the same day, the regime’s Haaretz newspaper reported that, U.S. officials had cautioned the regime that, even a limited ground operation in southern Lebanon, could spark a full-scale conflict involving Iran and its allies.– NNN-MA’AN


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