WeRide Robosweeper Rolls into Singapore, Facilitating Smart Sanitation of the ‘Garden City’

SINGAPORE, June 21 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WeRide announced a partnership with Chye Thiam Maintenance (CTM), a renowned sanitation company in Singapore, to jointly advance the commercial deployment of WeRide Robosweepers in Singapore. The first batch of WeRide Robosweepers has successfully arrived in Singapore and begun safety testing, with official operations expected to commence by the end of 2024.

Singapore has achieved remarkable results in urban sanitation, with tree-lined streets, numerous gardens, and a picturesque landscape, earning it the reputation of a “Garden City.” The partnership between WeRide and CTM will provide the latest cutting-edge technology and high-quality unmanned sanitation services for urban cleaning in Singapore.



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