President’s trip to China will contribute to promoting Peru, attracting investment: Foreign Mnistry

President’s trip to China will contribute to promoting Peru, attracting investment: Foreign Mnistry
Photo: ANDINA /Víctor Veliz

LIMA, June 4 (NNN-ANDINA) — Foreign Affairs Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea underscored the importance of Congress authorizing President Dina Boluarte’s future trip to China to promote Peru as a land of opportunities and attract investments.

Speaking to the media from San Salvador, the minister emphasized that the future visit responds to an official invitation from the Asian country’s Government.

The Cabinet member said the Head of State will have the opportunity to hold important meetings to promote Peru before companies from railway, infrastructure, and other sectors.

Addressing greater cooperation in investment in several strategic sectors is planned; it is a very important visit in a very important year, because we must take into account that the APEC Summit will take place in November and that, within said framework, the President of China (Xi Jinping) will visit (Peru),” he told Radio Nacional.

Gonzalez-Olaechea mentioned that the future visit responds to the high-level relationship fostered with China, as well as with other economies around the world to present Peru as a land of opportunities.

He indicated that the agenda to be fulfilled by the top official is included in the letter sent to Congress, which mentions highly varied meetings with emphasis on certain sectors.

China is the top trading partner and has high-level technology, for example in infrastructure, digital technology, medicine, and digital health (sectors). In short, very specific visits will be held to assess management models and reach agreements that can be replicated in our reality,” he explained.

As is known, the Executive Branch requested authorization from Congress for President Dina Boluarte to travel to China, in response to the official invitation that the Asian country’s government has made to her.

The request is joined by the corresponding draft legislative resolution, which establishes that the president —if granted permission— is set to leave the national territory from June 23 to 30.

The importance of this trip lies in the fact that it will allow Peru to strengthen bilateral relations with the aforementioned Asian country, currently its main trading partner.

Meanwhile, Economy-Finance Minister Jose Arista announced that Peru and China will in November conduct the second round of negotiations towards a treaty to avoid double taxation, as well as to prevent tax evasion and avoidance, which on the Peruvian side will be led by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).

This agreement is one of the instruments that could contribute to boosting integration between China and Peru, not only in the sphere of trade in goods and services, but also in terms of investments.

“In parallel with this agreement, we are enhancing the entire legal institutional framework, in which we can coexist in a more favorable manner for both countries,” he noted.

China is the top destination for Peru’s exports. In fact, 34% of the total exported in 2023 was destined for the Asian country, with shipments worth over US$33 billion.

Arista indicated that China has gradually gained space in Peru’s economy, highlighting the participation of investments from the Asian country in the mining and energy sectors, as well as in the transportation sector through the construction of the Chancay Port, where a Special Economic zone is expected to be set up. It will create new commercial and industrial opportunities.

During his participation at a forum held by the Peruvian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, in which businesspeople from various economic sectors participated, Minister Arista remarked that Peru is an attractive platform for investment.

He added that trust will continue being generated in order to promote more Chinese investments, as well as those from the rest of the world. — NNN-ANDINA


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