Zambia reiterates its support for Morocco’s territorial integrity and autonomy plan

Zambia reiterates its support for Morocco’s territorial integrity and autonomy plan

RABAT, May 25 (NNN-KBC) — The Republic of Zambia reiterated in Rabat its support for Morocco’s territorial integrity and sovereignty over its entire territory, including the Moroccan Sahara, stressing the relevance of the Moroccan autonomy plan as the only “credible, serious and realistic ” solution.

This position was expressed in a joint press release issued following talks between Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Resident Abroad, Nasser Bourita, and Zambia’s Minister of Justice and Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mulambo Haimbe.

In the statement, Haimbe reiterated his country’s “full support” for the autonomy plan presented by the Kingdom of Morocco, and emphasized its relevance as the only “credible, serious and realistic ” solution.

The Zambian official also “praised the efforts of the United Nations as the exclusive framework for achieving a realistic, practical and lasting solution to the dispute over the Moroccan Sahara”.

Hailing the “positive value” of this decision, Bourita welcomed the “positive evolution” of relations between the two brotherly countries over the years, with the opening, in October 2020, of Zambia’s embassy in Rabat and its consulate general in Laâyoune, as well as its participation, on January 15, 2021, in the Ministerial Conference in Support of the Autonomy Initiative under the Sovereignty of the Kingdom, organized at the invitation of Morocco and the United States of America. — NNN-KBC


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