S. African President Thanks Cuba for Contribution against Apartheid

PRETORIA, May 27 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — South African President Cyril Ramaphosa thanked Cuba for its fundamental contribution to the struggle against apartheid and its collaboration in different fields.

At a meeting with Cuban First Vice President Salvador Valdes Mesa, Ramaphosa particularly noted the work by Cuban doctors in South Africa.

Valdes Mesa, in turn, highlighted South Africa’s support for Cuba in its struggle against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on the Caribbean island for nearly 60 years.

Participants at the meeting noted the two country’s decision to maintain the excellent level of relations and to further boost them, as well as to promote commercial ties.

Ramaphosa and Valdes Mesa exchanged viewpoints about the situation in Latin America and Africa, and the current international reality, according to reports.

The South African head of State expressed gratitude for the invitation from the president of the Councils of State and of Ministers, Miguel Diaz-Canel to visit Cuba.

Ramaphosa conveyed friendly salutations to the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, Raul Castro, and President Diaz-Canel. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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