Nigeria senate okays death penalty for drug traffickers

Nigeria senate okays death penalty for drug traffickers
Opioid abuse is widespread throughout Nigeria

ABUJA, May 11 (NNN-AGENCIES) — A bill seeking to impose the death penalty on people convicted of drug trafficking has been passed for a third reading in Nigeria’s senate.

The proposed punishment, which is not yet law, replaces life imprisonment, which was previously the harshest sentence.

It was tabled on Thursday by Senator Mohammed Monguno on behalf of the joint committees on Judiciary and Drugs and Narcotics.

Senators who supported the bill argued that the threat of execution would serve as a stronger deterrent to drug traffickers than life imprisonment.

However, lawmakers who opposed the measure expressed concerns about the irreversible nature of the death penalty and the possibility of wrongful convictions.

The majority of senators voted in support of the bill, which also seeks to strengthen the operations of the Nigerian Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA).

The bill now awaits presidential assent to become law.

Nigeria has recently made substantial seizures of drugs, ranging from cannabis to opioids, from suspected traffickers. — NNN-AGENCIES


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