DPRK Lambasts Blinken’s “Power Politics” Rhetoric

DPRK Lambasts Blinken’s “Power Politics” Rhetoric

PYONGYANG, Mac 2 (NNN-KCNA) – U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken’s recent “power politics” argument, shows that the international order pursued by the United States is “grounded in the law of the jungle,” or “the logic of power.”

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) made the remarks in a commentary in response to Blinken’s rhetoric, during the Munich Security Conference that, “if you’re not at the table in the international system, you’re going to be on the menu.”

“It’s pretty regrettable that the chief diplomat of a ‘superpower’ let out such shameful, nasty remarks, at the venue of the international conference dealing with global security issues,” it said.

Blinken’s words once again made the world keenly aware that “the ‘rules-based international order’ trumpeted by the U.S. is a ‘jungle law’ where the strong prey on the weak,” it added.

The commentary came just one day after a DPRK leading newspaper designated the U.S. imperialism as “main target of struggle for global independence.”

The U.S. imperialism is “the kingpin of the world imperialism, making desperate efforts to persistently maintain the neocolonial domination system,” and “the heinous aggressor openly engrossed in violating other countries’ sovereignty,” the newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, said in an article on Thursday.– NNN-KCNA  


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