Agrarian Development Ministry: Malaysia opens doors to Peru’s Hass avocados

Agrarian Development Ministry: Malaysia opens doors to Peru’s Hass avocados
Photo: Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation of Peru

LIMA, Jan 19 (NNN-ANDINA) — The Peruvian Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri) has announced that Malaysia’s Department of Agriculture officialized the phytosanitary requirements for the entry of Hass avocados into this important Asian market.

Thanks to new achievement by this sector, Peru’s “green gold” is allowed to enter 67 markets around the world, under strict sanitary and phytosanitary protocols established by each importing country.

Production places and processing plants that wish to export avocados to Malaysia will have to be registered on the official National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa) list, which will be officialized prior to the start of each export season.

Agro-export potentialAvocado exports have experienced frenetic growth, placing Peru as the second-largest exporting country (of this fruit) worldwide.

In 2021, our country exported more than 500,000 tons of Hass avocados to important destinations, such as the United States, Chile, China, Japan, South Korea, European Union countries, among others.

As of now, it has been observed that Peruvian producers continue planting more areas with this crop, exceeding the certification of 40,000 hectares that belong to a total of 5,760 producers, of whom 88% are small family farming producers and own fields of less than 5 hectares.

Global demand for avocados keeps growing. Therefore, it is essential that these agricultural products continue having access to greater trade-related windows, generating thousands of jobs and fostering improvement in the quality of life of family farming producers.

In Peru, La Libertad region has consolidated as the leading region in avocado exports, registering 207,368 tons during the 2021-2022 season. 

It is followed by Lambayeque, Lima, Ica, Junin, Ancash, Ayacucho, and other regions with lower proportion. — NNN-ANDINA


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