Music Festival Goers In Australia State Urged To Prepare For Heat Wave

Music Festival Goers In Australia State Urged To Prepare For Heat Wave

SYDNEY, Dec 8 (NNN-AAP) – People attending music festivals in Australia’s state of New South Wales (NSW), should take precautions to stay safe during severe heatwave conditions, over the coming days, the local government said, today.

Most of the south-eastern state of Australia was forecast to experience dangerous conditions, and festival-goers can take simple steps to keep themselves as cool and safe as possible, the NSW government’s health department said in a media release.

“Several music festivals of different styles are taking place this weekend in New South Wales, and very hot weather is predicted. Without the right precautions, people will be putting their health at risk,” Darren Roberts, medical director of the NSW Poisons Information Centre, was quoted as saying.

“Overheating during activities in dangerous heat is a huge risk, and people need to take a break from dancing, seek shade, drink water and cool down to reduce the risk of overheating at festivals,” he said.

Roberts said hot environments can increase the risk of harm from some drugs.

“If you or a friend have taken drugs, please watch out for each other and know the warning signs that you need help,” he said.– NNN-AAP


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