Peru: Pres Boluarte completes one year in office

Peru: Pres Boluarte completes one year in office
Photo: ANDINA/Ricardo Cuba

LIMA, Dec 8 (NNN-ANDINA) — Pres Dina Boluarte on Thursday (Dec 7) completes one year in office, after being sworn in before the Congress of the Republic, thus becoming the first woman to constitutionally assume the country’s top office.

Boluarte —a native of the Andean region of Apurimac and a lawyer by training— received the presidential sash from then-Congress Chairman Jose Williams Zapata, after lawmakers impeached Pedro Castillo in Parliament, following a frustrated coup d’état.

She assumed the presidency in her capacity as Vice-President of the Republic, in compliance with and pursuant to Article 115 of the Constitution, regarding the presidential succession regime.

At her swearing-in ceremony, the new Head of State affirmed that she will faithfully exercise the office of President of the Republic.Similarly, she pledged to defend national sovereignty, the Republic’s physical and moral integrity, and the independence of government institutions.

Thus, her assumption of office restored the constitutional process that former President Pedro Castillo sought to interrupt by announcing a temporary closure of Congress and the establishment of an exceptional emergency government, which led to his arrest for the alleged crime of rebellion and breaking the constitutional order. — NNN-ANDINA


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