Argentine gov’t declares agricultural emergency in two provinces

BUENOS AIRES, May 9 (NNN-Prensa Latina) — The Argentine government declared on Wednesday a state of agricultural emergency for the provinces of La Pampa and Catamarca, harshly devastated by climatic phenomena.

According to a statement from the Presidency, as regards La Pampa, the emergency will be available for the productions located in the east, center, west and south of the province hit by drought, and extending from February 25 until August 31, 2019.

Meanwhile, in Poman, Andalgala and Tinogasta departments, in the province of Catamarca, emergency will be in force for 365 days counting up from March 26, 2019 due to olive farms of such areas were affected by the wind alongside high temperatures and low relative humidity, the source gave further details.

Emergency comprises a series of tax benefits and the postponement of maturities that operate in national, official or mixed banking institutions.

It is applied in those productive areas damaged by climatic, meteorological, earthy, biological or physical effects that significantly affect agricultural production capacity.

So far there are 12 provinces under this mechanism, impacted mostly by floods, including Chaco, Corrientes, Santiago del Estero and Santa Fe. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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