Brazilian court orders former President Temer to be jailed again

RIO DE JANEIRO, May 9 (NNN-AGENCIES) — A Brazilian court on Wednesday ordered that former President Michel Temer be jailed again over an ongoing investigation into allegations of corruption.

Temer has been charged six times in connection with various corruption investigations. The court decision on Wednesday relates to an alleged corruption scheme involving a nuclear power plant operated by Eletronuclear, a subsidiary of state-run Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA.

The former president has repeatedly denied corruption charges against him. Following the arrest order, Temer’s attorney told reporters that there were no grounds for the arrest, saying it was an “injustice”.

Temer, speaking to reporters in Sao Paulo, said he would turn himself in to authorities the following morning.

Temer had been held for several days in March over charges related to the alleged nuclear scheme. — NNN-AGENCIES


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