Police Arrest 2nd Top Venezuelan Opposition Lawmaker for Attempted Coup

Police Arrest 2nd Top Venezuelan Opposition Lawmaker for Attempted Coup
Edgar Zambrano, vice president of the Venezuelan National Assembly currently in contempt. Photo courtesy of Telesur/VTV

CARACAS, May 9 (NNN-TELESUR) – The crimes Zambrano is charged with are: “treason to the homeland, conspiracy, instigating an insurrection” among others.

The Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin) arrested opposition lawmaker Edgar Zambrano Wednesday for his participation in the attempted coup on April 30.

The arrest was confirmed by the president of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Diosdado Cabello. “A little while ago they detained one of the leaders of the April 30 coup attempt, Edgar Zambrano,” he said in his television program.

On May 2, the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), by request of the Venezuelan attorney general, recognized Zambrano as flagrantly responsible for committing crimes against the Venezuelan state.

The crimes committed by Zambrano are: “treason to the homeland, conspiracy, instigating an insurrection, civil rebellion, conspiracy to commit a crime, usurpation of functions, public instigation to the disobedience of laws and continued hatred, planned and sanctioned in articles 128, 132, 143, 145, 163, 213, 285, all of the Criminal Code, respectively and Association, provided for and sanctioned in article 37 of the Organic Law Against Organized Crime and Terrorist Financing “.

In addition, the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) of Venezuela had also approved stripping immunity from eight parliamentary lawmakers of the National Assembly (AN), a body that has been in contempt since 2016, for their participation in the coup attempt.

The other seven opposition lawmakers, whose parliamentary immunity was stripped are: Herry Ramos, Luis Florido, Richard Blanco, Marianela Magallanes, Americo De Grazia, Andres Velazques and Jose Calzadilla.

On April 30, the group of opposition lawmakers joined the attempted coup enacted by Juan Guaido and now fugitive from justice Leopoldo Lopez, who along with some 20 rebels sought to generate violence and overthrow the rightful President Nicolas Maduro.



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