Japanese Teenager Sentenced To Prison Over Tokyo Luxury Watch Robbery

Japanese Teenager Sentenced To Prison Over Tokyo Luxury Watch Robbery

TOKYO, Sept 26 (NNN-NHK) – A teenage Japanese robber was given a prison term of four-and-a half years, by the Tokyo District Court for robbing a luxury watch store in central Tokyo, in May.

According to the prosecution, a group of adolescents wearing masks, which included the 18-year-old defendant, stormed into the store in central Tokyo’s posh Ginza neighbourhood and stole 74 watches on May 8.

The stolen goods were valued at about two million U.S. dollars, according to the court.

A judge told the court yesterday, the heist was “a bold, dangerous and malicious crime,” adding that, crowbars were used to smash glass showcases in a busy area in broad daylight.

Even though the defendant struck a settlement with the shop personnel, and all of the stolen goods had been found, the judge noted that, a prison sentence was still necessary, despite the defendant’s immaturity.

By threatening store employees with a knife, the defendant played a significant part in the crime, according to the judge.

Prosecutors had demanded seven years in prison.

With yesterday’s court ruling, the first to be handed down for the case, two other teens are also accused of carrying out the robbery.– NNN-NHK  


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