Cuba ratifies its commitment in the fight against tuberculosis

Cuba ratifies its commitment in the fight against tuberculosis

NEW YORK, Sept 25 (NNN-ACN) — José Angel Portal Miranda, Cuban health minister, ratified at the High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis, Cuba’s commitment in the fight against this disease, which represents a crucial challenge for developing countries.

In the context of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Portal Miranda, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, said that humanity needs urgent and conscious measures to combat tuberculosis, whose effects, especially in the poorest and most vulnerable communities, are extremely evident and devastating.

Although many try to minimize the serious damage caused by this disease, and consider COVID-19 as the cause of the slowdown, stagnation or regression in its containment, the truth is that this was already an invisible struggle for many long before, he asserted.

The Minister of Health called for seeking solutions to reverse this reality in the shortest possible time; it has to be a commitment of all nations if we truly intend to leave no one behind in this battle for life, he warned.

The meeting was held in New York City under the slogan “Leveraging science, financing and innovation, as well as their benefits, to urgently end the global tuberculosis epidemic, in particular by ensuring equal access to prevention, testing, treatment and care.

It aimed to implement a comprehensive review of progress in the context of achieving the targets set out in the 2018 political declaration, and the Sustainable Development Goals. — NNN-ACN


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