AMIC Joins MBOTS Technology Expert Panel

PUTRAJAYA,Sept 15 (Bernama) — Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) and Aerospace Malaysian Innovation Centre (AMIC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 8 September 2023, outlines the commitment of both parties to embark on collaborative efforts and opportunities in driving the advancement of the aerospace and aviation landscape. The MoU handover was held during the Selangor Aviation Airshow 2023 (SAS ’23)

The MoU paves the way for MBOT to leverage the technological strengths of AMIC as MBOT Technology Expert Panel that will play its important role to provide valuable insights and advise in refining the professional assessment framework. The primary objective is to ensure that it remains aligned with industry best practices and the evolving demands of the aerospace and aviation sector.


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