Peru’s Embassy in Kenya to be reopened

Peru’s Embassy in Kenya to be reopened
Photo: EFE

LIMA, Sept 9 (NNN-ANDINA) — The Peruvian Government has decided to reopen its Embassy in Kenya, located in the city of Nairobi.

The measure was made official via Supreme Resolution No. 132-2023-RE published in the Official Gazette El Peruano on Friday.

In order to make this reopening effective, the necessary resources are allocated through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as indicated in the regulation.

Diplomatic relations between both countries were established on February 25, 1976.

The closure of the Peruvian Embassy in the African country took place in September 1990 due to austerity measures.

For the reopening of its diplomatic venue, the Peruvian Foreign Affairs Ministry takes into account that Kenya is “one of the countries with the highest economic growth in Africa and the world, as well as a regional benchmark in terms of growth and stability.”

The reopening of this Embassy is part of the 2015-2026 Multiannual Sector Strategic Plan.

According to this plan, it is a priority for Peru to strengthen its relationship with Africa, the Middle East, and Gulf countries.

This measure seeks to attract investment, access new markets, and generate opportunities for cooperation.

In this sense, the measure corresponds to the 2020-2026 Institutional Strategic Plan of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, which establishes as an institutional strategic action increasing Peru’s presence in Africa, the Middle East, and Gulf countries.

Within this framework, it considered that Africa, as a continent, gains increasing relevance at various international forums and in the world economy, making it possible to attract foreign direct investment and access to new markets for Peruvian products.

Kenya, in particular, is strategically located in the central east of the aforementioned continent, together with countries that may constitute important markets for Peru, the supreme resolution indicated.

It also noted that Peru currently lacks diplomatic representation in Eastern Africa. — NNN-ANDINA


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