President Boluarte calls for working in unity for Peru’s development

President Boluarte calls for working in unity for Peru’s development
Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

CHANCHAMAYO (Junin region, Peru), Sept 8 (NNN-ANDINA) — Pres Dina Boluarte called on central jungle authorities and population to continue working together to achieve development in Peru.

Along these lines, the Head of State asked that development proposals for Pichanaqui and Junin region be presented.

“You can rest assured that we will continue working for the development of Peru. We are not afraid of haters screaming against the homeland, we are not afraid (…) With you, we are confident in that democratic embrace, in that unity, so that our beloved Peru continues growing,” Boluarte said.

She said that for eight months her administration has been solving in the territory, and not from a desk, the population’s needs.

President Boluarte reaffirmed the frontal fight against corruption by the Executive Branch and warned that if any government official is caught stealing (public funds), that person will be immediately removed from duties.

“This is not a corrupt president, nor her ministers, nor deputy ministers, nor the Executive Branch; if we find someone along the way who steals a single Sol (Peruvian currency) from the Peruvian people, we will immediately remove him/her,” she said.

Boluarte inaugurated the Bailey modular bridge, over Pichanaqui River, for pedestrian and vehicular use. It will benefit the inhabitants of Pichanaqui and Sanagani districts in Chanchamayo province (Junin region).

She also led a multisectoral civic campaign in Pichanaqui, with the participation of officials from 17 social programs and specialists from the Armed Forces, the Peruvian National Police, the Ministry of Health, the Social Health Insurance System (EsSalud), among others.

She affirmed that regional governors are not alone, adding that the Executive Branch accompanies them in prevention works to deal with Global El Niño phenomenon.

“We tell governors, ‘you are not alone,’ the Executive (Branch) is with you; we have to continue working on prevention (…). Here is this woman president working with ministers, prime (minister), governors, and mayors,” she expressed.

The Head of State indicated that her administration has been taking precautions since the first moment it was alerted about the emergence and impact of Global El Niño phenomenon.

Within this framework, the top official underscored the delivery of equipment and machinery, intended for prevention works, that took place last Wednesday.

Likewise, the president reported that there are approximately 300 units in Piura, Tumbes, Trujillo, and Lambayeque regions.

Boluarte indicated that in the central jungle she will talk with authorities and inhabitants to listen to their needs in situ.

Furthermore, she announced that a civic campaign will be held with the presence of 17 entities, such as the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec), the Ombudsman’s Office, the Ministry of Health, among others.
She will also participate in the inauguration of a bridge in Chanchamayo province. — NNN-ANDINA


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