British PM Theresa May tells Labour: ‘Let’s do a deal’ on Brexit

LONDON, May 6 (NNN-AGENCIES) — British Prime Minister Theresa May urged main opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to work with her to
break the Brexit deadlock, telling him: “Let’s do a deal”.

May said she understood why hardcore Brexiteers in her own centre-right
Conservative Party, who want a clean break with the European Union, would wince at the prospect of striking a softer agreement with the veteran

But she insisted the clobbering both main parties took in last week’s
English local elections had increased the necessity of finding an EU divorce
deal that a majority of MPs could get behind, even if many of her own
backbenchers were not among them.

“To the leader of the opposition, I say this: let’s listen to what the
voters said in the elections and put our differences aside for a moment.
Let’s do a deal,” she wrote in The Mail on Sunday newspaper.

May negotiated a withdrawal agreement with Brussels last year but MPs
repeatedly voted it down, with large numbers of her own Conservative
backbenchers standing against it.

“Regrettably, I have to accept there is no sign of that position changing,”
May wrote.

Had a withdrawal agreement been signed off, Britain would have left the EU on March 29. Its exit date has twice been postponed and is now set at Oct

“The government has been in talks with the opposition to try to find a
unified, cross-party position,” May said.

“Many of my colleagues find this decision uncomfortable. Frankly, it is not
what I wanted, either.

“But we have to find a way to break the deadlock — and I believe the
results of the local elections give fresh urgency to this.

“We will keep negotiating, and keep trying to find a way through.

“The longer that takes, the greater the risk we will not leave at all. We
need to get out of the EU and get a deal over the line.”

The Conservatives lost more than a thousand seats in Thursday’s English
local authority polls, but left-wing Labour failed to capitalise, also losing
seats as voters vented their frustration at the Brexit impasse dominating
British politics.

More than 100 opposition lawmakers have written to May and Corbyn
to say they would vote against any agreement the pair reach unless it is
subject to a referendum.

“The very worst thing we could do at this time is a Westminster stitch-up,
whether over the PM’s deal or another deal. This risks alienating both those
who voted leave in 2016 and those who voted remain,” the letter says. — NNN-AGENCIES


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