Berjaya Sompo Insurance Promotes Legal And Safe Motorsport Through Its ‘Road Safety And Responsible Riding’ Campaign

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 29 (Bernama) — In an ongoing commitment to promote motorcycle road safety and responsible riding practices, Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad (“Berjaya Sompo”) launched its “Ride Safe with Berjaya Sompo Insurance campaign. The campaign features Yulina, a motorbike racer who shares her journey towards becoming a racer, emphasising the importance of safe and responsible riding. The campaign aims to set a positive example for illegal motorcycle enthusiasts by advocating for responsible behaviour on and off the road. Furthermore, it is an integral part of Berjaya Sompo’s collaboration with the Yamaha Racing Team as the main sponsor for the Sompo Yamaha Y16ZR Race Masterclass at the 2023 Malaysian Superbike Championship (MSBK) and the official sponsor of the AEON Credit Service Yamaha 135LC Tekhne Challenge at the 2023 PETRONAS Malaysian Cub Prix (MCP) Championship. 
Chief Executive Officer of Berjaya Sompo, Mr. Tan Sek Kee said, “Our focus is to encourage individuals to choose a legal platform which is the racetrack to showcase their talents and skills. In Malaysia, motorcycles are a popular mode of transportation and the number of fatalities and road accidents involving motorcyclists is alarming and needs to be addressed effectively. Hence, we are committed to fostering a culture of excellence, safety, and responsibility within the motorcycle community. By equipping riders with the knowledge and skills they need, we believe we can significantly reduce accidents and contribute to developing a safer road environment.”


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