Argentine government to announce measures to improve purchasing power

Argentine government to announce measures to improve purchasing power

BUENOS AIRES, Aug 26 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) — The Argentine Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, announced that measures to recover the purchasing power of workers and retirees will be announced this week.

In a press conference from the United States, transmitted by digital platforms, the presidential candidate for “Unión por la Patria” assured that the regulations will be published in 48 hours and will also benefit small and medium-sized companies.

Massa is in Washington, where he reported the completion of the fifth and sixth revision of the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which implied a disbursement of 7,500 million dollars by that organization.

According to the Minister, this amount allows the fulfillment of commitments assumed with the Development Bank of Latin America, Qatar and China.

For the Minister, the 56.7-billion-dollar debt contracted by former President Mauricio Macri with the IMF constitutes a huge trap and a mortgage, which must be lived with until it is possible to cancel.

During his presentation, he recalled that this money was used for capital flight.

On the other hand, he criticized the attempts of the opposition alliance Juntos por el Cambio (Together for Change) to prevent the development of the negotiations of the current administration with the IMF. — NNN-PRENSA LATINA


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