Libya: Stalemate persists in Tripoli after overnight fighting, more civilians flee

TRIPOLI, May 4 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Fighting raged in the battle for the Libyan capital Tripoli on Friday, with neither faction able to secure gains as an offensive by eastern commander Khalifa Haftar entered its fifth week, killing almost 400 people and displacing 50,000.

Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA), which is allied to a parallel administration based in Benghazi, has in the past week brought up more troops and heavy guns to the frontline.

But it has been unable to breach the defences in the city’s southern suburbs of forces loyal to the internationally recognized government in Tripoli.

Libya has been in a state of chaos since Muammar Gaddafi was toppled in 2011 after 40 years in power by insurgents backed by NATO air power.

The battle for Tripoli has all but wrecked U.N.-backed efforts for a peace deal between the rival factions, and has disrupted the oil industry of a country that is one of Africa’s largest producers.

There was heavy fighting from Thursday afternoon until early morning Friday in the area of the former international airport, but the frontline has changed little, residents said.

It resumed at midday on Friday. Eight fighters allied to Tripoli were killed and 42 wounded, a medical source said.

The fighting has killed 392 people and wounded 1,936, the World Health Organization tweeted earlier. Around 50,000 people have been displaced, it added.

The LNA moved up on one part of the front earlier this week but was repelled by the Tripoli forces, who had built barriers, including shipping containers, on southern roads where tanks and artillery guns are in position.

The Tripoli forces regained some ground but analysts say the threat of the LNA will persist as long as it keeps its forward base in Gharyan, about 80 km south of Tripoli.

The town is difficult to take because it lies in mountains that rise from the coastal plain on which Tripoli sits.

A Tripoli government spokesman said his administration was talking to its ally Turkey to obtain military and civilian help – “anything that is needed to stop the assault”.

Others remain trapped in conflict zones, where food is running short and the wounded and sick are in need of medical help.

European countries are concerned the fighting could provoke a new flight of refugees and migrants from Libya and elsewhere in Africa across the Mediterranean. Trafficking gangs have used Libya as a hub for their operations.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian meanwhile dismissed accusations by the Tripoli government that Paris was supporting Haftar in his current offensive. France’s interest was to fight terrorism, he said.

France also supported the Tripoli government of Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj, Le Drian said.

The United Nations’ Libya envoy has suggested Paris and others were too close to Haftar, and Tripoli has accused France of playing both sides.

France has backed Haftar in his efforts to fight Islamist militants in Libya in the past, including with military support like the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Egypt, his main backers.

Le Drian said he had no inkling that Haftar would launch the offensive on Tripoli despite visiting Benghazi and Tripoli a few days earlier. But he did not disavow Haftar and laid the blame on both sides.

Last month the European Union urged the LNA forces to halt their assault on Tripoli, but its statement was held up by disagreement between France and Italy.

The final version did not mention Haftar directly by name, shifted away from blaming his offensive exclusively for the escalation, and referred to the presence of Islamist militants among the anti-Haftar forces.

The UAE minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, tweeted that he shared Le Drian’s concerns over terrorism and the prospects of regional instability.

The UAE has armed Haftar for years and even built him an air base in eastern Libya, previous U.N. panel reports have said. — NNN-AGENCIES


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