Peru: President calls on population to take preventive measures against earthquake

Peru: President calls on population to take preventive measures against earthquake
Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

CALLAO (Peru), Aug 16 (NNN-ANDINA) — Pres Dina Boluarte urged the population to remain alert and prepared in the event of a strong earthquake on the Peruvian coast, by having their emergency and evacuation backpacks ready to be used.

These must contain simple tools that can be used to provide care to two members of each family during the post-earthquake phase and the corresponding evacuation stage.

She said that non-perishable food, a flashlight, a battery-powered radio, water, and a first-aid kit should be contained in each of backpack.

Likewise, the top official called on the population to continue participating in drills like the one held Tuesday.

As is known, the president participated in the second National Multi-hazard Drill 2023 from the Clara Cogorno de Cogorno Parochial Educational Institution in La Punta district, Callao.

On this occasion, she was joined by Defense Minister Jorge Chavez CrestaNational Civil Defense Institute (Indeci) Chief Carlos Yañez, and Callao region authorities.

Practice makes perfect: we are going to locate in our own homes the safe places where to evacuate,” said Boluarte.

he reminded citizens that the risk of a strong earthquake occurring on the Peruvian coast is always latent, since the country lies on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire.

Afterwards, the president visited one of the Navy control posts, from where she monitored the population walking towards the evacuation points in La Punta —a district located just two meters above sea level and susceptible to being affected by tsunamis that occur after strong-magnitude earthquakes.

As is known, this drill took place to strengthen the population’s preparedness and response capacities in an efficient and timely manner in the event of hazards of natural origin or induced by human action.

According to Ministerial Resolution No. 013-2022-PCM, this exercise was held in commemoration of the earthquake registered on August 15, 2007.

Said seismic movement mainly affected Ica region. As a consequence, it left 595 people dead; 2,291 injured; 76,000 homes destroyed and uninhabitable; plus 431,000 citizens affected.

At the end of the drill, the President of the Republic congratulated La Punta mayor, the Defense minister, and the National Civil Defense Institute (Indeci) chief for the coordinated work carried out for this drill.

She also indicated that the Ministry of Defense will work to establish measures in those areas of Lima that are most vulnerable to strong earthquakes. — NNN-ANDINA


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