Peru Independence Day: President calls for unity, asks for special powers to combat El Niño event and crime

Peru Independence Day: President calls for unity, asks for special powers to combat El Niño event and crime
Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru.

LIMA, July 29 (NNN-ANDINA) — Pres Dina Boluarte requested legislative powers from Congress in order to approve measures that make it possible to face —more harshly and efficiently— delinquency and crime, as well as the possible consequences of Global El Niño phenomenon.

Shee delivered these remarks during her Address to the Nation on the occasion of Peru’s 202nd Independence Day Anniversary at Congress headquarters in the Peruvian capital, Lima.

The Head of State presented a bill for Parliament to delegate legislative powers in matters of public safety, for a period of 120 days.

Likewise, Boluarte affirmed that the purpose of the Executive Branch is to produce 50 regulations, of which 33 will be directly aimed at minimizing the threats of crime.

Furthermore, the dignitary said that 6 regulations will aim at opportunely and efficiently facing the emergencies resulting from the climate anomaly.

On the other hand, the country’s top official mentioned 10 legislative decrees on infrastructure development and one on meritocracy in order to reduce the quality deficit in human resources within the Peruvian State.

“Within the framework of the request for (legislative) powers, we plan to approve a regulation aimed at reinforcing the fight against extortion, scam, fraud, and other crimes, with a tool that allows the exchange of information among the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance, and Pension Funds; the Judiciary; the Public Ministry; the Ministry of Interior; and the Peruvian National Police,” she said.

Moreover, the Peruvian President stated that a regulatory framework will be established for the implementation, operation, and maintenance of the Single Emergency Center. 

Boluarte apologized for the deaths caused by the social upheaval and proposed the signing of a reconciliation pact.

“Expressing deep and painful concern, on behalf of the State, I apologize to relatives of the deceased, including civilians, police and military, and also to the injured,” she said.

Likewise, the Head of State stressed her commitment “to agreeing to everything and to cooperating with the work carried out by the Public Ministry, in accordance with the law.”

Similarly, she affirmed that the Government will comply with the recommendations of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) on the matter.

“Also, I extend my hand and propose the signing of a reconciliation pact, a pact for life, for peace, for justice, for equality,” she said. Said commitment is set seeking peace, justice, and equality in the country, said the President who announced the relaunch of the National Agreement as well.

Boluarte stated that all social sectors will be included in said forum, in order to discuss their causes, the social agenda, and the political reforms that are pending in the country.

The President called on citizens to build a country without hatred.

“Let us build a country without hatred; let us begin to seriously resolve the affective part of the homeland, which is highly fragmented; that is the spirit with which I have come to report to the national Parliament and to the Peruvian people,” Boluarte expressed.

In this sense, the Head of State said her greatest desire is that, in the present time and towards the future, “Peru manages to overcome the lacerating and pernicious scourges of citizen insecurity, poverty, inequality, economic crisis, and corruption.”

Likewise, the top official pointed out that the previous government had “minimized the celebration of the Bicentennial of Peruvian Independence.”

Thus, Boluarte announced that her administration will commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Ayacucho in 2024 to vindicate the homeland.

“It will be a commemoration of unity, pride, patriotic reaffirmation, and a firm commitment to continue working for the great objectives that we all share and yearn for,” she said.

Furthermore, Boluarte recalled that, given the political circumstances that the country had experienced, she constitutionally assumed the Presidency of the Republicbefore Congress —a decision that honors her for being the first woman to reach the highest magistracy in the country in more than 200 years of republican life.”

“This constitutional political act, of high legitimacy and relevance for the rule of law, expressed the strength of democracy and its institutions,” she stated. — NNN-ANDINA


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