Kenya: Govt to establish Isiolo Meat City Special Economic Zone

NAIROBI, July 26 (NNN-KBC) — The Kenyan Government has committed to establish Isiolo Meat City Special Economic Zone meant to radically transform the economy of Northern Kenya.

Isiolo Meat City is an integrated industrial complex spanning over 500,000 Acres that will include animal feedstock Zones, Abbatoirs, a Leather Park and Bio-Energy.

It is meant to serve the entire Northern Kenya and neighbouring countries, Ethiopia and Somalia.

Speaking during a tour in Isiolo County, Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria said the government wants to ensure that for every animal that is slaughtered, there will be zero percentage waste.

Last year Isiolo lost Livestock valued at Ksh 6 Billion due to drought.

The CS says Isiolo Meat City will make such losses a thing of the past thus significant improving the livelihoods of the people of Northern Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia.

On his part Isiolo Governor Abdi Guyo noted that, the facility has a capacity of slaughtering 10,000 cows, 15,000 goats and sheep and 5,000 camels a day.

The governor noted that: “The catchment areas for the abattoir included Isiolo and the neighboring counties of; Samburu, Marsabit, Wajir, Garissa, and Mandera, as well as the Southern Part of Ethiopia and Somalia.”

Adding that: ” The CS also informed me that the national government has already secured a reliable market for the abattoir’s meat and meat products in Europe, China, and Middle East countries such as Oman, with the Isiolo International Airport set to facilitate the export to ensure that the meat gets to the international market while fresh.”

During the tour the two leaders also discussed full operationalization of Isiolo Export Abbatoir, the expansion of Isiolo International Airport and the construction of Isiolo County Aggregation and Industrial Park (CAIP).

The Project will be implemented through a 100pc debt free investment by Arise Integrated Industrial Company, a pam African developer of Industrial Parks and Special Economic Zones with an initial investment of Ksh 45 Billion that will develop the zone and expand the capacity of Isiolo Airport to facilitate off take of up to 1,000 freighters daily. — NNN-KBC


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