Peru: Gov’t allocates US$1.117 billion for prevention works in response of El Niño

Peru: Gov’t allocates US$1.117 billion for prevention works in response of El Niño
Photo: Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM)

LIMA, July 26 (NNN-ANDINA) — Peruvian Prime Minister Alberto Otarola reported that the Government has allocated S/4 billion (about US$1.117 billion) for prevention works in the face of the eventual arrival of global Coastal El Niño.

“The Global El Niño phenomenon may cause a health crisis and shortage, and could affect communications, too. As we are fully aware of what could happen, the Government has allocated S/4 billion (about US$1.117 billion) for prevention, the Cabinet chief said.

Otarola made these remarks at a press conference to inform the media of measures taken by the Executive Branch to tackle the weather phenomenon.

The high-ranking official emphasized the process undertaken to purchase 371 machinery units, vehicles, and equipment to strengthen the Government’s response.

To date, S/1.769 billion (about US$494 million) is planned to be allocated to finance the cleaning and clearing of rivers, the acquisition of machinery, and the setting of gill nets in ravines.

On Monday, Economy-Finance Minister Alex Contreras reported that an amount of more than S/3.534 billion (about US$986.9 million) has been approved so far to support emergency response, prevention activities, protection efforts, and resilience of infrastructure liable to rain, as well as measures for recovery of the country’s productive capacity.

Moreover, the Ministry of Education (Minedu) approved the list of educational institutions in Lambayeque, Piura, and Tumbes regions, which will undergo repair and preventive maintenance in the face of El Niño, at a cost of S/67 million (about US$18.7 million).

On July 8, the Government formalized the state of emergency declared in districts within 18 regions across the country due to imminent danger in response to heavy rains and a potential El Niño phenomenon. — NNN-ANDINA


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