M’sia-UK Bilateral Ties Will Thrive Regardless The Outcome Of Brexit – British High Comm

M’sia-UK Bilateral Ties Will Thrive Regardless The Outcome Of Brexit – British High Comm

By Voon Miaw Ping
KUALA LUMPUR, May 2 (NNN-BERNAMA) — The United Kingdom’s (UK) bilateral ties with Malaysia will continue to thrive regardless the outcome of Brexit, new British High Commissioner to Malaysia Charles Hay said.

He said the UK and Malaysia have enjoyed a close and unique relationship that stretches far beyond the Commonwealth ties.

“It covers a wide range of areas where we worked closely together. For example, we are working closely with the (present new) government to support its reform agenda.

“And our bilateral trade and commercial relationship are thriving. I believe the strength and depth of our relationship is unique, and I am delighted that we are celebrating today, together, another year in that long-standing friendship,” he said at a grand reception to celebrate the 93rd Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II at the Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club, here, on Tuesday night.

Some 800 guests attended the reception, including Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, foreign envoys, diplomats, corporate figures and representatives from non-governmental organisations.

Hay said Queen Elizabeth II had also shared with him her memories of her state visits to Malaysia.

“Before taking up his or her role, each Ambassador or High Commissioner meets The Queen. There is a strict protocol that these conversations are private, but I am sure Her Majesty would not mind me revealing that she recalled with great pleasure her two state visits to Malaysia, and spoke about the very close relationship the UK has with Malaysia bilaterally and through shared membership of the Commonwealth,” he said.

Queen Elizabeth II visited Malaysia in 1989 when Kuala Lumpur hosted the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, and in 1998 for the 16th Commonwealth Games.

In his speech, Hay also touched on Brexit, saying that the process had been complex and difficult, and somehow had very much demonstrated democracy in action.

“There are wide and deeply held views and this is reflected in the difficulty in finding a way through. Secondly, I believe that whatever the outcome of Brexit, the UK relationship with Malaysia will continue to thrive over the coming years.

“I believe we should take a long-term perspective of these current events. (Like) In the Malay saying: Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian, bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian,” (a Malay proverb meaning “No Pain, No Gain”) he said.

Hay, who was posted in South Korea prior to coming to Kuala Lumpur, said he was overwhelmed by the warm reception from the people he had met in Malaysia since his arrival a few weeks ago.

“It is my first posting in Malaysia and a number of people have asked me if I volunteered to come to Malaysia or if I was sent here.

“So, I want it on the record that Malaysia was number one on my list and I had to fight off a lot of competition to come here,” he said.

To prepare for his posting here, Hay had also learned Bahasa Melayu and had shown his skills in the new language he acquired at the start of his speech at the reception.


Edited by Sharifah Arfah Syed Mestaddin

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