Nearly 1,300 Seek Medical Treatment As Sandstorms Hit SE Iran

Nearly 1,300 Seek Medical Treatment As Sandstorms Hit SE Iran

TEHRAN, Jul 23 (NNN-IRNA) – A total of 1,286 people sought medical treatment, in the south-eastern Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan since last Tuesday, after the province was hit by sandstorms.

Most of the patients suffer from respiratory, heart or eye conditions, and 75 of them have been hospitalised, Majid Mohebi, head of the province’s Disaster Mitigation and Management Organisation, was quoted as saying.

More than 3,000 people in the province have sought medical treatment, after it was struck by successive waves of sandstorms since Jul 2, and at least 295 of them have been hospitalised, according to local media reports.

The counties of Zabol, Zehak, Hamoun, Hirmand, and Nimrouz are among the places hardest hit by the sandstorms in the past 20 days, Mohebi added.

According to Mohsen Heidari, director general of the province’s meteorological organisation, the highest wind speed in Zabol reached 126 km per hour on Friday morning.

Heidari said that, there could be more sandstorms, as strong winds are expected to continue in the next few days.

The province usually has strong summer winds from late May to late Sept.– NNN-IRNA


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