Iran’s Yellowcake Production Capacity Grows By 50 Percent In Mar-Jul

Iran’s Yellowcake Production Capacity Grows By 50 Percent In Mar-Jul

TEHRAN, Jul 20 (NNN-MNA) – Iran’s nuclear chief said, the country’s yellowcake production capacity has seen a year-on-year rise of 50 percent, since the beginning of the current Iranian calendar year, which fell on Mar 21.

“We have increased yellowcake production capacity by 50 percent compared to last year, and will raise it by another 50 percent, by the yearend to double the output, compared to two years ago,” said President of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI), Mohammad Eslami, in an interview, published yesterday.

As a type of uranium concentrate powder, obtained from leach solutions, yellowcake is an intermediate step in the processing of uranium ores.

“Last year, we had two active (uranium) mines, and currently, the figure has increased to eight,” said Eslami.

Eslami added that, five locations have been selected in the provinces of Khuzestan, Bushehr, Hormuzgan, Sistan and Baluchestan and Golestan, to construct five new nuclear power plants.

Iran says, its nuclear programme is completely peaceful, and mainly aimed at generating electricity and producing radiopharmaceuticals.

The Iranian parliament’s law mandated the government to restrict inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities by the International Atomic Energy Agency, and accelerate the development of the country’s nuclear programme beyond the limits set under the JCPOA.– NNN-MNA


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