Peru: Pres Boluarte calls for national unity and working in peace


LIMA, July 18 (NNN-ANDINA) — Peruvian Pres Dina Boluarte on Monday issued a call for national unity and for working in peace, noting that messages to disunite and polarize the population are not necessary.

She made these remarks at the opening ceremony of “Ruraq Maki, our handmade heritage” —the sixteenth edition of the traditional art fair.

In her speech, Boluarte highlighted the work carried out by the country’s male and female artisans on a daily basis, thus keeping ancestral wisdom alive and contributing to the preservation of the country’s history while looking ahead.

The president said that, year after year, Ruraq Maki gathers different groups that introduce to Peru and the world their handmade work that expresses their feelings and desires.

“Each piece on display is original. They are not mass-produced; each peace is unique in the universe, and that has to be appreciated. (…) The work you do involves effort and daily will, which are necessary for our history to last over time,” she remarked.

In this regard, she stressed that their effort must be rewarded by the Government.

For that reason, she requested the Ministry of Culture (Mincul) and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) to join efforts in order to bring all artisans together in the near future.

Additionally, President Boluarte urged both sectors to look for improvements in order to promote artisans’ work, so that it can be appreciated abroad, too.

Meanwhile, Interior Minister Vicente Romero affirmed that the Peruvian National Police (PNP) has prepared a massive plan to promote tourism on national holidays and to provide security for all Peruvians during the demonstrations announced for this week.

The government official stated that security will be provided to those who want to travel across the country as part of the holidays, as well as workers going to work and those planning to take to the streets to demonstrate.

“In this regard, the National Police will ensure this deployment is completed at the national level, so that we are calm. We must guarantee the safety of citizens accordingly, and the police are prepared for that .Trust their National Police,” he said in an interview with TV Peru.

Romero remarked that more than 24,000 certified police agents are tasked to deal with issues of public order.

Moreover, the government official highlighted that 136,000 police agents have been placed on permanent alert throughout the country since Saturday, as ordered by the General Commander of the National Police.

The Cabinet member reported that the PNP has identified the leaders behind the call for demonstrations

In this regard, he noted that the right to peaceful demonstrations is recognized, but not violent acts or attacks against people and institutions.

For this reason, Romero called on people to demonstrate peacefully and reiterated that the police will provide them with the required security.
The Interior sector’s head stated that the fundamental rights of protesters are respected and ruled out excesses against demonstrators. — NNN-ANDINA


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