Brazil forecasts record grain harvest

BRASILIA, July 16 (NNN-XINHUA) — Brazil’s grain harvest could reach a record 317.6 million metric tons, a 16.5 percent increase over the previous harvest, according to a report by the state-owned National Supply Company.

The Brazilian total sown area is expected to reach approximately 78.2 million hectares this season, 4.9 percent more than the previous season.

The company’s president, Edegar Pretto, said the forecast reinforces the expectation of a bumper year and demonstrates the strength and potential of the nation’s agricultural sector.

The report also indicated that soybean, Brazil’s top agricultural export, is expected to reach a record harvest of 154.6 million metric tons, an increase of 23.1 percent compared to the last season.

Soybean exports are projected to reach a total of 95.64 million metric tons, representing an increase of 21.5 percent compared to the previous season.

Corn should see a harvest of 127.8 million metric tons, an increase of 12.9 percent compared to the previous harvest.

Other crops, such as cotton, beans, and sorghum, also exhibited increased production, while rice and some winter crops experienced a decline in yields compared to the previous season. — NNN-XINHUA


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