Peru protests: State of emergency extended by 30 days

Peru protests: State of emergency extended by 30 days
The Third Takeover of Lima between July 19 and 28 will again seek President Dina Boluarte's resignation

LIMA, July 15 (NNN-MERCOPRESS) — Peruvian authorities extended for another 30 days the state of emergency, ahead of new protests to be staged between July 19 and 28 to demand the resignation of President Dina Boluarte, the closing of Congress, early elections, and the call for a constituent assembly, it was reported in Lima.

The state of emergency applies to the main highways in the south of the country, Prime Minister Alberto Otárola explained. He added that the decision was taken by the Council of Ministers who pledged to respect the right to demonstrate. However, the executive remarked that this should not affect people or public and private property.

According to Otárola, the state of emergency will be maintained in the Southern Road Corridor, which includes the regions of Apurimac, Cusco, and Arequipa, as well as in the Southern Inter-Oceanic Road Corridor, which runs along the coast, highlands, and from the Peruvian jungle to Brazil.

“Social protest must not affect public goods or people. This Government will safeguard the integrity of those who march and the millions of Peruvians who will not, and want to work to celebrate the Homeland,” he said.

The purpose of this measure is to “guarantee free circulation” during the celebrations of the anniversary of Peruvian independence, which have July 28 as their central date, and to maintain “the right to free mobilization, especially next week,” the Prime Minister assured.

Opposition sectors to President Dina Boluarte called for protest actions for July 19 like those already held in December 2022 and January 2023, a few weeks after the impeachment and arrest of former President Pedro Castillo Terrones.

The organizations participating in the so-called Third Takeover of Lima will continue to demand the resignation of President Dina Boluarte, the closure of Congress, early general elections, and the convening of a constituent assembly, from which a new Constitution should be penned, in addition to justice for the civilians killed during the protests against the Boluarte government, since no criminal case has been opened, as well as Castillo’s release.

According to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), repression since last December has left 50 dead. — NNN-MERCOPRESS


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