Foreign Diplomats Visit West Bank After Large-Scale Israeli Military Offensive

Foreign Diplomats Visit West Bank After Large-Scale Israeli Military Offensive

JENIN, West Bank, Jul 9 (NNN-WAFA) – A delegation of foreign diplomats, yesterday visited the northern West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp, following an Israeli large-scale military offensive waged on the city earlier this week.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, organised the tour that lasted for several hours, for the delegation of 30 diplomats, most of whom represented European countries.

On Jul 3, the Israeli army waged a two-day large-scale military offensive in the Jenin area, to crack down on Palestinian militants. The offensive left 12 Palestinians and one Israeli army officer dead and dozens of others wounded.

The diplomats toured the refugee camp and looked at the houses and infrastructure that were destructed during the Israeli offensive.

The representative of the European Union in Palestine, Sven Kun von Burgsdorff, told reporters that, the delegation visited Jenin “to see the damage that occurred and work to submit reports to all capitals of diplomatic missions about what happened.”

“The visit aims to express solidarity with the population in the camp, which must be protected under all circumstances, especially children and families,” he said.

He stressed the need “to provide financial and political support to the Palestinian Authority, so that it can work effectively in Jenin and its camp.”

Burgsdorff called on the international community to take necessary measures, to ensure Israel’s commitment to its compliance with international law.

Since Jan, 26 people, most of them Israelis, have been killed in a series of attacks carried out by Palestinians, and 190 Palestinians, including children and women, were killed by Israeli soldiers and settlers, according to official figures.– NNN-WAFA


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