Sailor Rescued From “Horrendous Conditions” Off Australia’s South Coast

Sailor Rescued From “Horrendous Conditions” Off Australia’s South Coast

CANBERRA, Jul 9 (NNN-AAP) – A solo sailor who was attempting to circumnavigate Australia has been rescued from rough seas off the country’s south coast.

Xavier Doerr, 22, was attempting to become the fastest and youngest sailor to circumnavigate Australia, on the smallest boat when he became stricken amid severe weather on Friday afternoon.

Damage to his 6.5-metre boat and injuries prompted Doerr, an experienced sailor, to activate an emergency beacon, triggering a major Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) search and rescue operation.

Despite strong winds, the bulk carrier, Theodore JR, was able to successfully winch Doerr from his vessel yesterday afternoon, more than 600 kilometres west of Kangaroo Island, in the Great Australian Bight.

Lee Randall, who was managing Doerr’s voyage from the shore, said, he was “wrung out mentally” after being hit by the storm.

“Xavier’s decision, Xavier’s call, I don’t think any of us can really even think about what he’s going through right now,” he said.

“Conditions are absolutely horrendous, we’re talking 40 knots minimum, we’re talking eight-metre seas.

“Physically he has sustained some injuries and the boat is taking on some water. He’s absolutely at the end of what a human can cope with.”

Doerr set out from his home state of Queensland in May, and was hoping to become the first person to sail around Australia in under 50 days, beating the previous record of 58 days.

However, he was forced to dock for repairs in Western Australia (WA) in Jun, dashing his attempt for fastest non-assisted circumnavigation.

“AMSA is currently providing medical advice and will make plans to transfer the sailor ashore, once their condition has been assessed,” said AMSA in a media release yesterday afternoon.– NNN-AAP  


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