MAAFIM Discusses Concerning Health Effects of EMF Exposure, Urging the Adoption of Innovative Solutions

KUALA LUMPUR, July 7 (Bernama) — The Malaysian Association for Advancement of Functional and Interdisciplinary Medicine (MAAFIM) held an “Updates for Doctors: Scientific Talk on Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) – Does It Affect Our Public Health and Work Productivity?” Seminar and Press Conference at The Mines Beach Resort. The seminar brought together experts from medical and related fields from Malaysia and abroad to present discussions on Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and its related issues, all of which affect people’s health.
Due to technological advancements, people are being increasingly exposed to a complex mix of EMFs caused by 4G, 5G, GPS, Wi-Fi, smart homes devices, etc., which has a negative impact on users’ health. Many doctors see potential correlations between health problems and electromagnetic radiation. According to GSMA Intelligence, there are over 5.3 billion mobile smartphone users in the world today. Additionally, research has shown that the average productivity rate of employees has reduced to 2 hours and 53 minutes, which amounts to only 31% of their working hours.


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