Tanzania exports to Iran up by 35pc

Tanzania exports to Iran up by 35pc

DAR ES SALAAM, July 2 (NNN-DAILYNEWS) — TANZANIA and Islamic Republic of Iran’s  trade volume has increased rapidly within a period of two years, with the former’s exports value to the latter reaching 35 million US dollars (approximately 81.9bn/-), according to the latest data.

The trade data recorded between 2021-2022 shows that the East African member state’s exports to the Asian country soared by 35 per cent as compared to data recorded between 2019-2020.

Speaking at a commemoration event of Iran’s Day held at Saba Saba grounds where the 47th Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DIFT) is going on,  Iran’s Ambassador to Tanzania, Hussein Behineh said in the same period, the SADC member state imported goods whose value amounted to  95 million US dollars (approximately 222.3bn/-) from its Asian counterparts.

According to the diplomat, Iran’s exports to Tanzania increased by 15 per cent in 2021/22 compared to 2019/20.

The volume of trade between Iran and Tanzania in 2021/22 financial year increased significantly compared to 2019/20, thanks to trade and interaction of people of the two nations, backed up by their long history.

“With good and advanced knowledge and expertise in the fields of engineering, oil and gas and petrochemicals, agriculture, fisheries, livestock, health industries and international trade, Iran can be a complementary economic partner to the growing economy of Tanzania.

“Being a country with a population of more than 60 million, and  which is strategically located to serve six land linked countries, and  with membership in the East African Community (EAC) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) SADCC, Tanzania can be the ultimate link between Iran and East and Southern  Africa,” the envoy said.

The diplomat said a wide range of goods traded between Iran and Tanzania indicates that the relationship between the two nations is being implemented in a reciprocal manner.

According to him, this year marks the 41th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries with the two nations cooperating in a number of programmes.

He thanked Tanzania Trade Development Authority (TanTrade), Director General Latifah Khamis on proper preparations for the 47th trade fair, saying the event serves an important opportunity and platform to introduce Iran’s goods to Tanzania.

Meanwhile, Tantrade Board chair Prof Ulingeta Mbamba said the sixth-phase government under the leadership of President Samia Suluhu Hassan has thrown weight behind improvement of the business environment. He welcomed investors from Iran to explore various trade and investment opportunities available in the country.

On her part, TanTrade Director General encouraged Tanzanians to explore business opportunities in Iran which is doing well in the areas of biomedical technologies, extractive industry and education.

Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF) is an annual event organised by TanTrade in collaboration with public and private sectors.

DITF has positioned itself as an international trade promotion platform considered to be the largest of its kind in the Eastern and Central African Region in terms of the number of exhibitors and visitors.

It has been designed to facilitate exhibitors to showcase and demonstrate their goods, services and technology, attain new markets and explore new markets and investment opportunities. — NNN-DAILYNEWS


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