Peru: President calls for broadest unit to tackle El Niño phenomenon

Peru: President calls for broadest unit to tackle El Niño phenomenon
Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

LIMA, June 28 (NNN-ANDINA) — Pres Dina Boluarte called for the broadest unit of all levels of government, institutions, the private sector, and organized society to face the threat of a Coastal El Niño phenomenon.

The Head of State participates in a meeting at Lima Convention Center to prepare for the occurrence of said weather event. Executive Branch members, seven regional governors, and authorities from various institutions participate in this gathering.

She stressed that, following the declaration of emergency due to the imminent danger of a possible El Niño phenomenon, preventive and unprecedented work began, including cleaning and clearing rivers and streams. It entailed an investment worth S/1.446 billion (about US$397.7 million).

She announced that the Central Government is financing 619 direct interventions in seven regions that could be affected by Global El Niño: Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Ancash, Ica, and Lima.

“There isn’t any cause more important for a country than prevention, than preparing united to face eventual natural disasters. Yet this is a task that corresponds to all of us and is above differences, colors, or political flags,” Boluarte said.

“I call on the broadest national unity, to continue working together, (meaning) the three levels of government, Civil Defense, law enforcement, the private sector, and organized society,” she said.

The Head of State called on regional governors to act with a sense of urgency and prioritize interventions that will protect the population’s life and integrity —mainly of the most vulnerable citizens.

Furthermore, she affirmed that her administration is also making great efforts in other fields, such as economic reactivation, job recovery, and the fight against delinquency and crime, since they are fair demands of the Peruvian population.

At the closing of the event, the Head of State once again emphasized the coordinated work by the three levels of government and Peruvian society.

Concerning resources, from the Central Government, we will make every effort to be able to attend to each region,” said Boluarte, who pointed out that there are many needs in this regard, since very little was done in terms of prevention during the previous years.

Similarly, the President called on the population to stand up and show solidarity in the face of the upcoming scenario at the end of this year and the beginning of 2024.

“From this moment on, we will be 33 million united in the face of the El Niño phenomenon. Long live Peru,” she concluded.

Addressing the meeting, Prime Minister Alberto Otarola announced that the Government is planning to invest S/1.446 billion (about US$397.7 million) to implement preventive actions to tackle the Global El Niño phenomenon.

The Cabinet chief affirmed that said resources will be destined for the implementation of preventive measures in seven regions across the country: Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, Ancash, La Libertad, Ica, and Lima.

The aforementioned amount will be used to finance the cleaning and clearing of rivers and ravines, and to transfer resources for the acquisition of machinery, vehicles, and containment nets.

He stated that 619 cleaning and clearing interventions will be carried out across the above-mentioned regions. 

Moreover, Otarola explained that the Task Force of Ministers —in coordination with regional governors— prepared a national timeline several weeks ago, including preventive actions until December this year.

He went on to say that, in total, the Government has destined S/2.9 billion (about US$797.7 million) for response and prevention actions to tackle Yaku Cyclone and El Niño phenomenon.

Likewise, the Prime Minister affirmed that an additional amount has been coordinated with the regional governments of Piura and Lambayeque in order to carry out preventive works. — NNN-ANDINA


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