Peru collected US$564 million from hydrocarbon production as of May 2023

Peru collected US$564 million from hydrocarbon production as of May 2023
Photo: Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru

LIMA, June 24 (NNN-ANDINA) — Revenue to the Peruvian State from the production of hydrocarbons (gas and oil) between January and May 2023 totaled US$564 million —an amount that reflects the importance of this sector for the economy, according to Perupetro.

Of this amount, US$553 million corresponded to the payment of royalties from licensing agreements for hydrocarbons production.

In this case, US$287 million corresponded to natural gas production, followed by US$180 million linked to natural gas liquids production, and US$86 million to oil production in Peru.

The royalty is the economic compensation established by law, through which companies are obliged to pay the Peruvian State for the right to exploit hydrocarbon resources, such as oil and gas, in the country.

Royalties are calculated according to the production value based on the royalty percentage established for each contract.

For its part, revenue from the sale of hydrocarbons, linked to service contracts, amounted to US$11 million between January and May 2023. 

In 2022, revenue to the Peruvian State linked to hydrocarbons production amounted to US$1.847 billion. From 1993 to date, said amount totals US$24.390 billion.

Perupetro is the State-run company responsible for promoting, negotiating, underwriting, and monitoring contracts for exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in Peru. — NNN-ANDINA


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