Iran says leaving nuclear treaty one of many options after US sanctions move

Iran says leaving nuclear treaty one of many options after US sanctions move

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif sits for an interview with Reuters in New York, Apr 24, 2019. Photo courtesy of IRNA

TEHRAN, April 29 (NNN-IRNA) – Trump’s US justifies its unilateral behaviors on the pretext of promoting global security and stability while international experience, rationality, as well as existing laws and norms, make peace possible only through multilateralism and diplomacy.

The abolition of the exemption for Iran’s oil customers once again portrayed President Donald Trump’s persistence in advancing his unilateral strategy in the world. 

Just days before the International Day for International Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace in the United Nations, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the end of Iran’s sanctions exemptions, saying that there would be no exemption in this regard to other countries.

Last week, the United Nations hosted the International Conference on Multilateralism and Diplomacy, where the principle of multilateralism is being sacrificed by Washington’s actions and Washington’s Middle East allies. The growing confrontation with Iran, despite the opposition of many countries, including Russia, China, Europe, etc., is an example of Washington’s autocracy in order to result in its favor the so-called ‘change in Iran’s behavior’. 

The goal of maintaining international stability and security is highlighting the responsibility of countries and international entities against the United States, which has a wider range of its attitudes towards Iran.

In other words, the global costs of expanding unilateralism and behaving beyond the boundaries of international law illustrate the need for all countries to cooperate in coping with this mode of action. 

** Struggle to revive lost past 

The era of unilateralism in the international arena has been around for years, but America is still in the dream of reviving the world order after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The collapse of the bipolar system in the 1990s and the early years of the third millennium turned the United States into an unchallenged power in the international arena. In the years that China was becoming one of the strongest economies in the world, targeting incredible economic growth, and united Europe became an influential bloc in the international arena, the United States was busy in the world unrivalled. 

When Russia was rebuilding its power, and the Islamic countries and the Non-Aligned Movement launched a new initiative for collective action, Washington embarked on a dream of global hegemony.

The era of unilateralism finished sooner than what America had expected. The emergence of powerful economic, political, and military blocks in different parts of the world, along with the complexity and interconnectivity of international equations, challenged the United States. 

Though unsurpassedly and self-righteousness can be seen in the nature of American foreign policy (apart from the political approach of governments), the perception of the new balance of power in the international arena since the end of the Georg. W.Bush administration’s years has affected American foreign policy. This trend intensified during the Obama administration and led to a relative moderation in US foreign policy in opening diplomacy, dialogue and cooperation with other actors in the international arena.

With the emergence of Trump, the United States once again experiences the return to foreign policy of the 1990s. International conditions, however, are not the same as in the 1990s, and other international actors do not tolerate this unilateralism. As America’s patrimony and totalitarian behaviors today are viewed by many analysts as fanatical and illusion, which not only does not fit in with the new international conditions and endangers global security, but is not in line with America’s own interests. 

Behaviors such as withdrawal from the international nuclear deal with Iran and the pressure on other countries to obstruct their obligations under Security Council resolution 2231 are a typical example of American unilateralism in recent years; an action that, despite the serious warning of many important actors in the world and international organizations, not only did not stop with Washington’s animosity, but intensified day by day.

This is not the only multilateral agreement that Trump unilaterally has left. The unilateral withdrawal from the Paris Arrangement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the NAFTA, and … although heavily criticized by the international community, has not affected the performance of the Republican president of the United States. 

Also, the recognition of Beit-ul-Moqaddas as the capital of the Zionist regime, the transfer of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to the city, the approval of the extension of Tel Aviv’s rule over a wider range of occupied territories, a green light to Riyadh to advance aggressive policies in Yemen And … although the based on observers’ view are challenging peace and security in the region and the world, it has not prevented US foolish policies.

According to Iran’s Foreign Minister at the United Nations Conference on Multilateralism, actions such as over-territorial enforcement of domestic laws, the abandonment of international obligations and verdicts of the International Court of Justice, the autocratic declaration of the government’s armed forces as ‘terrorists’ and the cultivation of extremism through permanent and futile wars is also part of this unilateralism of the United States, which must be met by the reaction of the other actors in the international arena. 

** Iran’s commitment to multilateralism 

Unlike the United States, multilateralism, as one of the principles of foreign policy of the Islamic Republic, is always on the agenda of Iranian diplomats.

A practical belief in the principle of engagement and dialogue with the international system, which eventually paved the way for dossier of peaceful nuclear program of our country and broke the world consensus against our country, although the illegal actions of Trump revived sanctions against our country. 

However, diplomacy as one of the pillars of foreign policy remains on the agenda of the Foreign Ministry, because, according to our foreign minister, multilateralism is the only solution to support peace.

Even after the United States has unilaterally imposed sanctions against Iran, the Islamic Republic continues to seek to engage with its neighbors on its four frontiers. 

According to Zarif, at a meeting in the United Nations, a glimpse of our diplomatic engagement over the past few weeks makes it clear.

On the other side of the western borders of the country, recently the Speaker of the Iraqi neighbors’ parliaments gathered to find a comprehensive new approach to regional interactions. April 20, the Foreign Minister Zarif headed the delegation to Damascus and Ankara to expand cooperation with Syria, Turkey and Russia within the framework of Astana process.

According to Zarif, across the eastern borders, our new special representative for Afghanistan is engaging in a realistic regional approach to peace and stability. Meanwhile, Iran hosted Pakistan’s prime minister last week to talk about a multilateral approach to regional stability and the fight against terrorism. 

On the other side of the northern borders, senior officials of the Caspian littoral states gathered recently to begin the implementation of the Caspian Sea historical convention, which was finalized in 2018 after 22 years of negotiations. At the same time, Iran is pursuing economic integration, including through the Eurasian Economic Union. 

Zarif also reported Iran’s efforts to facilitate the Stockholm process in Yemen and the ‘Regional Dialogue Mechanism’ proposal in the Persian Gulf as a comprehensive multilateral approach to cooperation and resolution of disputes with southern neighbors.

Iran’s adherence to nuclear commitments despite the US withdrawal of JCPOA and Europe’s hesitation in pursuit of fulfilling its obligations, reflects Tehran’s belief in constructive engagement is on the path to stabilization. 

In such a situation, when behaviors outside of the international rules of the United States and its allies endanger global peace and stability, other international units are at high risk. The formation of the United Nations was in response to this precious experience after two devastating global wars, which should not be indifferent to aggressive acts of any actress. 

This is a precious reserve, which was expressed in the words of the Iranian Foreign Minister in the United Nations, ‘In order to defend multilateralism, it is necessary to prevent the United States from gaining access to the its interests via illegal actions, and rejects with the full force of any pressure that the US exert on others to violate international law and Security Council resolutions.’


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