Two Daesh Militants, Civilian Killed In Iraq

Two Daesh Militants, Civilian Killed In Iraq

BAGHDAD, Iraq, April 28 (NNN-NINA) – Altogether two Daesh militants and a civilian were killed Saturday, in two incidents in the Iraqi provinces of Diyala and Salahudin, security sources said.

In eastern Iraq, an army helicopter gunship conducted an air strike, based on intelligence reports, on a Daesh hideout in al-Zour area in the north of Diyala’s provincial capital, Baquba, which is located some 65 km northeast of Baghdad, Alaa al-Saadi from the provincial police said.

The air strike killed two Daesh militants and destroyed their hideout, al-Saadi said.

A joint force from the army, police and paramilitary Hashd Shaabi, launched an operation in the attacked area, looking for more Daesh militants, al-Saadi added.

In another incident, a roadside bomb went off near a garbage truck in the town of Baiji, some 200 km north of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, killing the truck driver and wounding two workers, Hussein Ibrahim, a local police officer, said.– NNN-NINA


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