Saudi Arabia and Cuba to strengthen bilateral relations

Saudi Arabia and Cuba to strengthen bilateral relations

HAVANA, May 22 (NNN-ACN) — Cuban Foreign Trade and Investment Minister Ricardo Cabrisas and Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Tourism Ahmed bin Aqeel Alkhateeb met in Havana and described as satisfactory current bilateral relations between their nations.

The meeting took place after Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel received the Arab minister, who is also president of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Development Fund.

During the meeting the two ministers expressed their government’s willingness to further expand bilateral economic, commercial and cooperation links in areas of common interest.

Cabrisas acknowledged Saudi Arabia’s permanent support of Cuba’s annual resolutions against the US economic, commercial and financial blockade at the UN General Assembly.

Aqeel Alkhateeb stressed the role and work of Cuban medical specialists who have been offering their services in his country since 2014 with very positive results.

Attending the meeting was Faisal Falah Al-Harbi, Saudi ambassador to Cuba; Saya Al-Houchan, senior specialist of the Saudi’s Tourism Ministry; Sultan Al Muslim, deputy Tourism minister and Faisal Al –Kahtani, executive vice-president of the Saudi Fund for Development.

On the Cuban side was deputy Foreign Trade and Investment Minister Deborah Rivas; the president of the Water Resources Institute, Antonio Rodriguez; the general director for Bilateral Affairs at the Foreign Ministry, Angel Villa and other officials from the Cuban Trade Ministry. — NNN-ACN


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