Chile: 40-hour working week signed into law

Chile: 40-hour working week signed into law
Boric said it was a “historic” day because “for many years the project was considered impossible”

SANTIAGO, April 15 (NNN-MERCOPRESS) — Chilean President Gabriel Boric Font signed into law the bill creating the 40-hour working week, which had been one of his campaigns promises .“We are taking a step forward for the welfare of working men and women”, said Boric during a promulgation ceremony at the Parque de la Familia, in Santiago.

He said it was a “historic” day because “for many years the project was considered impossible.”

The president also recognized Labor Minister Jeannete Jara’s work in addition to that of Government Spokeswoman Camila Vallejo, who was one of the promoters of the bill back in 2017, when she was a deputy for the Communist Party of Chile (PC).

“Today it is possible for the reduction of the working day to be a reality. With this, we have consolidated cross-cutting agreements and reaffirmed the commitment of our government to the changes that the country has demanded for so many years,” said Boric.

Vallejo said that “this is a great day for Chile and also for the workers of our country. This project no longer belongs to one or two people but to all Chileans.” The new legislation “makes it possible to deliver that value, that work can be a form of remuneration with wages, but also with time for the development of life outside the working day,” she added.

The initiative was approved last Tuesday in the Lower House with 127 votes in favor, 14 against, and three abstentions. It brings forth the modification of Article 22 of the Labor Code, which establishes a 45-hour working week.

The new regulation includes the compensation of overtime for up to five additional holidays, in addition to establishing exceptional work systems and the four-for-three workday system, which takes into consideration areas such as mining, fishing, and tourism. — NNN-MERCOPRESS


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