Former Odebrecht representative Barata to provide further information on illegal payments

Former Odebrecht representative Barata to provide further information on illegal payments
Photo courtesy of Andina

LIMA, April 24 (NNN-ANDINA) – Former Odebrecht representative in Peru Jorge Barata is committed to providing over 4,000 pages from the servers used by the construction company for illegal payments made to Peru’s former Government officials, Lava Jato Case Special Prosecution Group Coordinator Rafael Vela informed Tuesday.

According to the Prosecutor, the Drousys and My Web Day servers —utilized by the Division of Structured Operations— contain information on bribe payment operations and the money’s route, which will enable the identification of the final recipients.

During the second part of today’s interrogations, Barata answered questions about cash payments and the payments supported by the systems’ documents —evidence Odebrecht has promised to hand over, within the collaboration agreement signed with Peru.

Likewise, Vela indicated the servers’ data is being processed in accordance with the projects and the people under investigation.

In this sense, the Prosecutor expressed the special team feels satisfied with the meeting, as it was fluid. Besides, Barata collaborated with no restrictions.

The magistrate went on to add the Prosecutors are confirming their theory thanks to the testimonies and documents provided by Odebrecht.

Furthermore, Barata answered the questions posed by the attorneys of those under investigation.

He is also expected to give his statement on the emergency decree which was issued for the execution of Metro Lima Line 1 during recently-deceased ex-President Alan Garcia’s second term in office (2006-2011).

The interrogations take place from April 22 to 26 at Curitiba-based Prosecutor’s Office.

Collaboration agreement

In mid-February, Peru’s Lava Jato Case Special Prosecution Group signed the long-awaited collaboration agreement with Odebrecht representatives and former employees in Brazil.

This deal is intended to procure evidence and testimonies for the investigation of corruption cases in the Andean nation.

As is known, the Brazilian construction giant admitted to having paid millions in bribes to government officials in Peru, in order to secure public-works contracts.

As a result, Odebrecht benefited from over US$143 million between 2005 and 2014 in Peru, according to the U.S. Justice Department.

In addition, four ex-Presidents have been linked to the Brazilian company such as: Alejandro Toledo (2001-2006), Alan Garcia (2006-2011), Ollanta Humala (2011-2016), and Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (2016-2018).

Former presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori —currently under preventive detention— also allegedly received money from Odebrecht for her 2011 campaign.

Odebrecht will pay S/610 million (around US$182 million) —plus interests that may arise— in civil reparations to the Peruvian State over a period of 15 years as part of this agreement.



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