Tropical storm could hit Mozambique, Tanzania, Madagascar, Comoros this week

Tropical storm could hit Mozambique, Tanzania, Madagascar, Comoros this week

MAPUTO, April 24 (NNN-AGENCIES) – Mozambique is bracing itself for another tropical storm that could hit the country later this week, one month after the devastating Cyclone Idai.

An alert posted on the Facebook page of the Hurricanes, Typhoons and Cyclones centre warns of a tropical cyclone, to be called ‘Kenneth’, which may have consequences for the northern part of Cabo Delgado in Mozambique, as well as southern Tanzania from Tuesday to the end of the month.

The National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC) said it was monitoring the low pressure system situated over northern Madagascar, which could reach Northern Mozambique and Southern Tanzania between Wednesday and Thursday.

How prepared is Mozambique?

The INGC, together with the National Institute of Meteorology (INAM), the ministries of Health and Agriculture and Food Security and cooperation partners, met in Mozambique’s capital, Maputo on Tuesday to discuss the meteorological and hydrological situation of the country over the last seven days.

“We will keep abreast of the evolution of this weather system. As you know, the INGC, INAM and the National Directorate of Water Resources work in an integrated manner,” INGC spokesman Paulo Tomás said after the meeting.

The authorities however believe it is premature to take extreme measures preparing for landfall, since it was ‘yet only a prediction’.

Nevertheless, INAM is gathering more concise information about the system in order to alert cooperation partners about possible responses to be initiated in the Northern part of Cabo Delgado.

On March 14, Mozambique was hit by Tropical Cyclone Idai, which caused more than 600 deaths, left hundreds missing and displaced thousands. The cyclone also severely affected Zimbabwe and Malawi.READ MORE: Over 1,000 dead, $2 billion needed to recover from Cyclone Idai

The International Monetary Fund said last week it will grant Mozambique a $118.2 million credit facility to help it rebuild infrastructure.

Madagascar, Comoros and Mayotte at risk

Before reaching the Eastern Africa coastline, the tropical storm is expected to pose life-threatening risks to people living in the Indian Ocean islands.

It is expected to enhance rainfall across far northern Madagascar from Tuesday night into Wednesday, while Mayotte and Comoros are also listed as locations at risk.


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