Jordan Condemned Continuous Israeli “Incursions” Into Palestinian Cities

Jordan Condemned Continuous Israeli “Incursions” Into Palestinian Cities

AMMAN, Mar 8 (NNN-PETRA) – Jordan’s Foreign Ministry, yesterday condemned “the continuous Israeli incursions” into occupied Palestinian cities, after Israeli troops killed at least six Palestinians in a raid on the West Bank city of Jenin.

Jordanian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Sinan Majali, reiterated Jordan’s call to stop the escalation and halt Israeli attacks against Palestinians.

He warned that, continuing these attacks will lead to further deterioration, escalate the “whirlpool of violence” and undermine efforts aimed at achieving calm.

Majali stressed the need for immediate action to stop “illegal unilateral” Israeli measures and safeguard the two-state solution, which promotes an independent Palestinian state, on the June 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

At least six Palestinians were killed in Jenin yesterday, in an Israeli raid aimed at arresting a suspect, involved in the killing of two Israeli settlers the previous week. This brought to more than 70, the number of Palestinians killed by the Israelis, since Jan this year.– NNN-PETRA


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