CGC100 Youth Entrepreneurship Programme Graduates Its First Cohort

KUALA LUMPUR, March 8 (Bernama) — Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the PINTAR Foundation witnessed the graduation of its first batch of twenty (20) participants from the CGC100 Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (CGC100). The ceremony was officiated by CGC Chairman Dato’ Mohammed Hussein and attended by CGC President & Chief Executive Officer (PCEO), Datuk Mohd Zamree Mohd Ishak, Deputy Director of Industrial Relations Development and Cooperation Sector from the Ministry of Education, TS. Supian Bin Mahmood and Deputy President Operations for Education in Islamic Finance University (INCEIF), Dr. Muhammad Syahmi Mohd Karim.
CGC100 was launched on 4th October 2022 with the rollout of the Fast Track, a 6-month programme that focused on developing new skills (up-skilling), empowering existing youth skills (re-skilling), and intersecting youth with other skills (cross-skilling). Formulated to empower these youths with soft skills and entrepreneurship training, this initiative is geared towards enabling the participants to build feasible products and services. The CGC100 (Fast Track) encompassed sharing sessions by top industry stalwarts, imparting their valuable experience and knowledge with these graduates. This intensive course was enriched with basic skills in entrepreneurship, aimed to establish the foundations and provide the tools to become competent business owners.


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