Lebanon Received First Wheat Shipment Financed By World Bank

Lebanon Received First Wheat Shipment Financed By World Bank

BEIRUT, Feb 12 (NNN-NNA) – Lebanon has received the first shipment of 33,000 tonnes of wheat, financed by the World Bank, via a 150 million-U.S. dollar-loan.

The shipment, being unloaded at the Beirut port, is sufficient for about one month’s worth of Arabic bread consumption in the country, the World Bank said in a statement, yesterday.

Additional shipments of varying sizes would come, over the following months, to maintain access to affordable bread throughout the lifespan of the World Bank loan.

The Lebanon Wheat Supply Emergency Project, approved by the country’s parliament in July, 2022, aimed to ensure wheat supply in the country, despite disruptions in the global commodity market. The loan would remain active until May 31, shows World Bank’s website.

“Any disruption of the wheat value chain will primarily impact poor and vulnerable host communities and refugees,” World Bank Mashreq Country Director, Jean-Christophe Carret, was quoted by the statement, as saying.

Lebanese caretaker Economy Minister, Amin Salam, said, the loan will provide great relief by stabilising wheat supply and bread prices in Lebanon, during the country’s most challenging times.

Lebanon imports nearly 80 percent of the wheat it consumes, a vast majority of which used to come from now conflict-plagued Ukraine and Russia, the statement noted.– NNN-NNA  


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