US issues security alert as Kenyan police pursue 5 terror suspects

US issues security alert as Kenyan police pursue 5 terror suspects

NAIROBI, Feb 10 (NNN-KBC) — Kenyas Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) is appealing to members of the public to volunteer information that may lead to the arrest of five dangerous terror suspects, linked to the Al-Shabaab terror network.

DCI made the appeal moments after the US Embassy in Kenya issued a security alert for its citizens in the country.

“Locations frequented by U.S. citizens and other foreigners and tourists in Nairobi and elsewhere in Kenya continue to be attractive targets to terrorists planning to conduct potentially imminent attacks,” the embassy warned in a statement.

“ Terrorist groups could attack with little or no warning, targeting hotels, embassies, restaurants, malls and markets, schools, police stations, places of worship, and other places frequented by foreigners and tourists.”

The US Embassy is now calling on its citizens to exercise vigilance at locations frequented by tourists and foreigners, review their personal security plans, be aware of their surroundings and monitor local media for updates amid increased counterterrorism patrols by the Kenyan government.

In its statement, the DCI says four of the five wanted suspects are responsible for recent attacks against civilians and security forces in Lamu County and within the larger Boni enclave.

One is said to have been involved in the Garissa University attack in 2014, which led to the death of 147 people.

“Ramadhan Hamisi Kufungwa commands Al-Shabaab fighters and coordinates attacks from Somalia targeting innocent Kenyans. He is the link person to Kassim Musa Mwarusi, a fugitive responsible for executing attacks in Boni and movement of recruits to join Al Shaabab and other terror groups from Kenya.” 

The second suspect Issa Abdalla Ahmed alias Issa Kauni, URWA/ORWA, Jafar is said to hail from Malindi in Kilifi County and joined Al-Shabaab and traveled to Somalia in 2014.

The DCI says he has been involved in several previous attacks in the country and has risen through the ranks to become a member of the suicide brigade.

He is currently involved in planning attacks against targets within the country.”

Ahmed Omar Said alias Dogo Tabibu, Bilal also from Malindi in Kilifi County joined the Shabaab terror network in 2016 and was attached to the Jaysh Ayman Brigade, where he participated in several attacks within the Boni Forest.

The fourth suspect, Maalim Yussuf Hassan Abdullahi alias Isaack Hassan Abdullahi, is wanted for the killing of three teachers at QARSA in 2018 and the assassination of a local assistant chief in Gumurey, Wajir County in December, 2020.

The last dangerous and armed suspect has been identified as Maalim Abbas alias Abbas Guyo.

He is linked to the planning of the Garissa University College attack in April, 2014 where 147 people lost their lives among other attacks in the country.

DCI is now asking anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of the above mentioned suspects to get in contact with it through the anonymous Fichua kwa DCI Hotline number 0800 722 203 or the police hotline number 999. — NNN-KBC


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